Boy spreads happiness with ‘Joy Box’

SACRAMENTO, Ca. – A 6-year-old boy in California had an idea to spark a little happiness in people, and his parents got to work on making it happen.

“Get to write a note and then you get to put it in here, and we get the key, put it in here, put it and lock and take it out, then the wish comes true,” said Joy Box creator, Levi Navarra.

Levi believes that finding happiness is as easy as visiting this box.

“So much negativity and divisiveness in our world and then this kid comes along and is like, let’s spread some joy,” said Dan Navarra, Levi’s dad.

The boy’s parents, Dan and Amy, say the whole idea started last summer when Levi said he wants to spread joy.

“So we decided to take all the people to Disneyland,” said Levi.

Quickly Levi realized a road trip with the entire city of Turlock may not work out.

“Poof! It didn’t happen,” said Levi.

Then another thought:

“Pancake party, that was fun, so we came up with this idea,” said Levi.

Months later, after a trip to Home Depot, a bit of elbow grease and careful placement in front of the Navarra home, came this box of joy.

“So if you have a wish, you can just put one in here,” said Levi.

The Navarras say so far they’ve found some donations and wishes as small as toys and as big as a house.

“But we’re hoping as momentum and time builds up that we can do as much as that we can possibly can,” said Amy Navarra.

As the happiness continues to stuff the box, Levi’s parents are in awe of what this young man continues to teach.

“It’s amazing when you have kids what they end up actually teaching you, and I always tell people I want to be like Levi when I grow up,” said Amy.

“That generosity and kindness and joy would be like markers of my kid and I think that would make him a really, really fantastic addition to humanity,” said Dan.

The family set up an Instagram account documenting their joy box. It’s called Navarra Party of Five.

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