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Teachers rejoice over Bedford County School Board’s decision to keep elementary school open

The Bedford County School Board is tabling school efficiency, meaning the school will remain open

BEDFORD COUNTY, Va. – Kindergarten teacher Amanda Ergenbright was holding her breath during Thursday’s budget work session in Bedford.

“Just a huge sense of relief, joy. I think there’s gonna be a lot of hugging tomorrow, and a lot of tears,” Ergenbright said.

She’s been at Stewartsville Elementary for 20 years, and until the meeting, didn’t know if she’d still be able to call the school home next year.

“I can’t wait to get to school so I can tell my kids, ‘Hey, we’re staying open. No one is shutting us down.”

The school board made the decision to table the discussion, not just until their regular meeting Monday, but until further notice.

“While we’re all in agreement that the options presented do not fit our needs, we have more discussion to do,” School Board Chair Marcus Hill said.

The four efficiency options presented to the school board caused a stir with many parents and teachers, specifically over the proposed plan to close Stewartsville Elementary and move fifth grade to middle school, and eighth grade to high school.

Hill tells us the community’s concerns did not fall on deaf ears.

“We wanted to be very transparent, make sure we were hearing from the community,” Hill said.

All school board members said they would vote no on any of the proposed options from the finance committee if a vote was taken, meaning it’s back to the drawing board.

“Right now we need to wait and see what dollars come to us from the Governor so we can address do we need to reduce or can we add,” Hill said.

Hill said even though they’ve decided these options weren’t right for the schools — it doesn’t mean more difficult conversations won’t be had in the future. But for now, it allows them to move forward keeping all schools open, and all current grade levels where they are.

“It doesn’t take away from a budget shortfall coming in ‘28 - ‘29 — we all heard it tonight,” Hill said.

But for Ergenbright, she’s thankful she doesn’t have to leave the school she loves.

“Thank you. Thank you. A million thank you’s. It means the world to me, and a lot of people,” she said.

About the Author
Abbie Coleman headshot

Abbie Coleman officially joined the WSLS 10 News team in January 2023.