
Appomattox County school leaders delay reopening as teachers call out sick because of coronavirus

Appomattox students will start hybrid, in person learning on Sept. 14

APPOMATTOX, Va. – School hasn’t even started yet, but 11 teachers have already called out in Appomattox County in relation to COVID-19.

Superintendent Annette Bennett said some of these teachers have symptoms or live with someone who has the virus.

It’s is one of the reasons why school leaders decided Thursday night not to reopen at the end of the month.

“It is concerning especially over the last two weeks,”said Bennett.

Bennett said she is concerned because cases in Appomattox are going up and it’s already impacting the schools.

“We had our staff come back two weeks ago. Within the two weeks, we’ve had 11 staff who had to go out on leave. For one reason or another, whether they have symptoms themselves or they’re living with someone with symptoms,” Bennett said.

10 News is working for you every day to breakdown coronavirus numbers across the commonwealth, and that includes increases county-by-county.

Two weeks ago, on July 31, Appomattox County had 68 positive cases. As of Friday, they’re up to 98.

“And what that happened this week with our staff getting ill or having to just take leave because of that, it certainly was a wake up call to say, ‘Wait a minute we need to get this under control before we can start safely?” Bennett said.

The school district isn’t equipped right now to bring in substitutes, so they need staff to be healthy.

The number of teachers calling out isn’t the only reason why school won’t start in person on Aug. 24.

“We felt like giving ourselves more time to prepare and let this virus subside,” Bennett said.

In the meantime, Bennett said it’s a teach effort to get students back in school safely.

“Their actions certainly impact our schools and I want to make sure everyone understands this is a community effort. Getting our students back is our biggest priority but we need everyone to do that,” said Bennett.

Appomattox students will start their hybrid and in person learning on Sept. 14th.

Right now, only 27% of students have chosen to go to school online full time.

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