New drug take-back box in Franklin County part of effort to fight substance abuse

Safely drop off your unused or unwanted pills

FRANKLIN COUNTY, Va. – One local area is adding a drug take-back box to keep unwanted or unused prescriptions out of the wrong hands.

A box in the Westlake Substation in Franklin County cost about $2,000, made possible by fundraising and a partnership with Piedmont Community Services.

Old or unused prescription or over-the-counter pills can be dropped off.

The box is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Needles, fluids and inhalers aren't accepted.

Organizers say the goal is to fight substance abuse.

"We continue to work here in Franklin County, as every community across this country is doing, to make sure we're doing the very best we can for the citizens to address the substance abuse problems we're having," said Bill Overton, Franklin County sheriff.

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