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Lynchburg City Schools look at pay increases for teacher, staff

The school board discussed a competitive salary proposal at Tuesday night’s school board work session.

LYNCHBURG, Va. – Lynchburg City Schools is looking at increasing pay for both teachers and staff.

It’s called the 15-50 plan. The proposal is to raise the minimum wage for classified employees from $13.11 to $15 an hour and to raise the starting teacher salary from $43,469.81 to $50,000.

Superintendent Dr. Crystal Edwards initially announced the proposal to the board at the December 13 work session.

“They take on so much for these kids but we’ve got to create a better learning environment for our students but we also have to create a better working environment for our staff,” Edwards said.

School Board Chair Dr. James Coleman said the board wants to do anything it can to show its employees how valued they are.

Currently, the district is going through a facilities study. Some of the board members want to wait to see the outcomes of the study before they rush into raising the wages.

The proposal will go to the finance committee which will take a look at the numbers to determine what it will take to make this happen. Then, they will bring that report back to the board.