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Family looks to create historical, cultural African American hub in Lynchburg

LYNCHBURG, Va. – One family in Lynchburg is renovating a home that could be a hub for African American culture.

Amy Corbett and her son Jameson walk through a home in Downtown Lynchburg as workers prepare to get it a proper facelift.

“Once the drywall is complete, we’ll have smooth walls and then they’ll be able to come in and paint,” Corbett said.

While much work is needed, Amy said the project is a labor of love.

“This house is going to become the dream home,” Amy said.

Amy said it would become an Airbnb inspired by Martin Luther King Jr.

One reason is the house is on M.L.K. Boulevard in Lynchburg.

Another is according to Corbett, Fifth Street, where the house is located, used to be Black Main Street, and the house could tie back into history.

The main reason, according to Corbett, is that her family is unique.

“We have a racially mixed family and these ideas of racial justice don’t come lightly for us, we’ve learned so much,” Corbett said.

Amy is working to ensure the house is inclusive and where all belong, which is also the name of her business.

She wants to add art like a painting of M.L.K.’s I Have a Dream speech and other decorations from minority artists in the area.

“For us, this home is a passion project for us to express and welcome, celebrate, empower and educate,” Corbett said.

According to the city, it’s a 2400-square-foot home. It was built in 1895.

The Corbett’s want to transform it because it was initially multiple apartments.

“This is something that we’re really excited about,” said Jawansa Hall with Black Water Branding.

Jawansa Hall and Amy Corbett are working together to figure out ways how to make it a spot a cultural and historical hub in the community.

“M.L.K. walked through that district and was very active in the community and a lot of people don’t know that,” Hall said.

As Amy and Jameson tour the home, Jameson is pleased to see a future spot where all can belong.

“It feels good because it feels like she cares,” Jameson Corbett said.