
Mysterious orb of light seen on Roanoke surveillance camera remains unexplained

Conclusion must be left up to internet

ROANOKE, Va. – Just in time for Halloween, 10 News has a mysterious viewer video that has many speculating on social media.

The video was captured overnight on a Roanoke couple's surveillance camera.

The owner, who wanted to remain anonymous, said she is baffled by what's seen on video moving across her porch. She said she received an alert on her phone from her WYZE security system that motion was detected. What can be seen in two separate video clips is very curious.

An orb of light that's glowing moving across her porch, which has people on social media speculating all kinds of things. While some said it's a bird, others said it looks like bugs. The woman, who pointed out that she lives near a graveyard, said she cleaned her porch the night before, and said what can be seen looks very different from what bugs look like when they show up on video.

The orbs remain a mystery.

About the Author

Watch Rachel anchor weekdays during 10 News at 5, 5:30, 6 and 7 p.m. Rachel also specializes in health reporting and provides daily reports during HealthWatch. A Southwest Virginia native, Rachel takes pride in covering local news for the place she calls home.

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