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Virginia Tech students celebrate Earth Day by helping set a world record live on the TODAY Show

Virginia Tech Hokies say it’s an experience they’ll never forget

BLACKSBURG, Va. – Students at Virginia Tech made a special appearance on the TODAY Show to celebrate Earth Day. They helped set a world record for the most people watering plants simultaneously in multiple venues live.

Julianna Testoni, a student at Virginia Tech said, “It is definitely a cool experience to be able to say that we have been on the TODAY show.”

Fifty students gathered on the lawn in front of Torgersen Hall, each holding their own plants and watering cans.

When they were given the cue, they all started watering together, along with other students across the country.

Students were given this opportunity to be a part of this world record through an alumna who works for the TODAY Show.

“It really represents the alumni connection that everyone has when you are a Hokie and you are always a Hokie once you graduate,” said Kaite Ramboyong, a freshman at Virginia Tech.

Hokies said they were excited to be able to highlight the campus’s sustainability efforts and this is something they will never forget.