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Virginia Children’s Theatre brings the movie ‘Madagascar’ to life in Roanoke

The show is filled with entertainment for the whole family, as well as messages about acceptance and inclusivity

ROANOKE, Va. – Virginia Children’s Theatre is bringing the DreamWorks movie, “Madagascar,” to life this weekend.

The performance will take audiences on a musical adventure alongside four animals that escape the Central Park Zoo and end up on a journey to a foreign country.

“The show is a direct stage adaptation of DreamWorks animated film that we all know and love,” said director and choreographer, Clint Hromsco.

“The music is fun, the storyline is hilarious, fun characters, larger than life,” said producing artistic director, Brett Roden.

The performance takes center stage at the Jefferson Center in Roanoke this weekend.

Audiences can expect to sing and laugh but also take away important lessons from the characters.

“It really delves into themes of friendship, loyalty, forgiveness, teamwork and really the true message of being different is never wrong or bad, it’s just different and I think that’s a really strong message to be teaching our young audience members,” said Hromsco.

“Everyone is different. And that’s ok. And I think this story makes you realize that no matter who you are, no matter what you do, it’s ok to be different. And we can celebrate those differences,” said Roden.

Opening night is Friday with two other performances running on Saturday.

You can view the full schedule and buy tickets ahead of time here.