
Virginia lieutenant governor general election results on Nov. 2, 2021

Hala Ayala (D) and Winsome Sears (R) are the two candidates on the ballot for Virginia Lieutenant Governor on Nov. 2, 2021. (WSLS 10)

Hala Ayala (D) and Winsome Sears (R) are vying to be Virginia’s next lieutenant governor.

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Lieutenant Governor

In 2017, Justin Fairfax received 1,368,412 votes while Jill Vogel received 1,224,520 votes. This equates to 52.7% of the vote for Fairfax and 47.2% of the vote for Vogel.




Winsome Sears(R)
Hala Ayala(D)
95.5% of Precincts Reporting

(2,727 / 2,855)

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