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Atlantic Union Bank donates thousands to Drumstick Dash cause

$23,000 donation will go to Drumstick Dash 2019 and Rescue Mission’s food services

(Copyright by WSLS - All rights reserved)

ROANOKE, Va. – Atlantic Union Bank donated $23,000 on Tuesday in support of a Roanoke Thanksgiving tradition.

The money donated to the annual Thanksgiving Drumstick Dash will support Rescue Mission’s food services.

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Atlantic Union Bank is the main sponsor for the 5K.

“They do such amazing things for us. They’ve been our sponsor for a couple of years now and they’re really an amazing group so committed to their community and we’re just so happy to be able to share this moment with them," said Kevin Berry, community outreach and marketing manager at Rescue Mission Ministries.

The Drumstick Dash is still looking for volunteers.

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