ROANOKE, Va. – Damage to the Roanoke River Greenway could take months to repair.
The damage near Wasena Park and at 9th Street happened after severe flooding in May and June, which washed out sections of the greenway.
The same section in Wasena had already been damaged and repaired by the city after Hurricane Michael hit the region in 2018.
This time around, both repairs are expected to cost about $50,000. The Roanoke Parks and Recreation Department said the repairs could take a few more months because of delays due to weather and COVID-19.
In the meantime, city officials are reminding bikers and walkers to obey the detours.
“Just be mindful of your speed coming into this area because it’s already a really busy area. It’s a very popular area of the greenway,” said Renee Powers, the trails and greenways coordinator for Roanoke Parks and Recreation. “Understand that that detour is going to be up there for a while and to be patient with us.”