Thousands gather to honor 7 motorcyclists killed in New Hampshire crash

LANCONIA, N.H. – A moment of somber reflection for members of the Jarheads Motorcycle Club at what is now a growing memorial for the five patch holders and two supporters killed two weeks ago.

"I'll never forget the little boy that came up and planted the first flags up there, and look what's over there now."

The meeting in Randolph comes after a long and emotional journey that spanned miles of interstate and back roads, lined with supporters.

"That was something else. to see every -- oh my god, we spanned for miles."

"New Hampshire shows great support. we saw it all the way up. There are people already setting up chairs just to watch the bikes go by."

"This one was just absolutely horrendous and just - I'm here today to support every single brother and sister that's rolling in here today to go up and honor them."

The ride for the fallen seven began at the broken spoke in Laconia, where thousands met up to ride together.

"I am so humbled and so grateful for this outpouring. It all started from one Facebook post to this."

"The support for my club brothers that lost their lives and their old ladies - the outpouring of support has been something I've never seen the likes of in my entire life."

T-shirts and stickers were sold to raise money for the victims' families, as strangers from across the country came together as a new family.

"This is the world's largest family reunion from what I see."

"On behalf of the Jarheads MC, thank you doesn't even begin to cut it."

The 23-year-old pick-up driver who struck the bikers pleaded not guilty to negligent homicide. He remains in jail.

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