Roanoke College reacts to national college bribery scandal

College says they do not look at prospective students' financial status

ROANOKE, Va. – Roanoke College students and administrators had strong opinions about a college bribery scandal a day after the FBI's investigation came to light.

The FBI's investigation says some wealthy parents, including actresses Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin, possibly spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to get their children admitted into elite universities.

"I don't come from money," said Roanoke College junior Colin Brooks. "I have to work my way through to pay for my tuition and go to college. It's disappointing to hear this."

"I don't agree with this at all," added Roanoke College freshman Joe Hainsworth. "I worked pretty hard and made sure my grades were A1 before I could get to Roanoke."

Roanoke College Vice President of Enrollment Brenda Poggendorf says the college has never been financially influenced to admit a student.

"It's not about who's got the most money. That's not one of the things we look at when we're looking at applicants," Poggendorf said. "It bothers me a lot, and we would all say that, I'm sure, that this kind of thing could happen."

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