Local veteran named Military Hero uses music to help others with PTSD

SALEM (WSLS 10) - We continue our 2017 Red Cross Celebration of Heroes by honoring our Military Hero.

This year the award goes to a veteran who gives back to other veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.

The man behind the music is David Bowen.

Every week under his leadership, veterans gather in the auditorium at the VA to play the stress away.

In its fifth year locally, "Guitars for Vets" has graduated hundreds of service members from the program.

"I don't know how many spouses, men and women, have come up to me and said this is the greatest thing you've done for my husband or my wife, because they are out of their funk, out of their depression, or whatever they're going through," Bowen explained.

Each graduate of the 10-week program is given a donated guitar to take home and continue to play.

If you would like to attend the Celebration of Heroes breakfast at Hotel Roanoke Tuesday, March 28th. If you would like to learn more log on to http://www.redcross.org/news/event/local/virginia/Roanoke-Celebration-of-Heroes-Breakfast-.

About the Author

After working and going to school in Central Virginia for over five years, Lindsey’s made her way back home to the mountains.

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