Bedford County Coyote Lottery raises concerns

BEDFORD COUNTY, Va. – A non-profit organization, Project Coyote, is promoting co-existence between people and wildlife.

The organization says there are many non-lethal ways to mitigate the coyote population besides a killing contest.

From better fencing to bringing in younger livestock at night, these are a couple of ways Project Coyote says to keep the predators away.

Camilla Fox, the founder and executive director of Project Coyote said, “In particular with coyotes, they have a mechanism called compensatory reproduction, which means if they are indiscriminately killed, they can rebound very quickly, both through increased breeding with the remaining coyotes or other coyotes coming in and filling that vacant niche.”

We’re told that if the coyotes are just left alone, they will self-regulate.

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