Healthwatch: Scoliosis warning signs

It’s a condition that affects about seven million Americans.

Scoliosis is usually found in childhood, but it can cause future health problems, if left untreated.

That’s why experts say early detection is critical.

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta said some common signs of scoliosis include uneven shoulders and shoulder blades, unequal distance between arms and body when standing, and uneven skin folds at the waist.

“A lot of times what we find is that as we get into the warmer seasons and it’s so critical right now, all of a sudden parents are seeing their teenager in a bathing suit for the first time in a year and a lot has happened with their bodies,” said Dr. Nick Fletcher, an orthopedic surgeon with Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.

If left untreated scoliosis can lead to chronic back pain, physical deformity, heart problems, lung issues, and more.

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