VWCC Nursing Club donates angel dresses and suits to Carilion

ROANOKE, Va. – Virginia Western Community College's Nursing Club donated some very special clothes to Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital Tuesday. 

As part of their service project this year, the students collected wedding dresses that were sewn to make angel dresses and suits. Angel dresses and suits are burial outfits for babies who recently died.
Nursing student Teresa Kantor, who has been through two miscarriages, gave away her wedding dress to make several outfits. 

 "Overwhelming, emotional. So to have a gift like that given to you at such a time, such a need. It's very emotional," said Kantor.  

"Every dress I think I probably talked to the whole time I was sewing to make them. Every one was my intention to make them different and something special but different," said
Mary Graham, seamstress.

There were 140 dresses and suits. Students will also deliver some to LewisGale Medical Center.

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