New blood test to see your risk of developing Alzheimer's

Your doctor can order the test which costs about $500

A simple blood test to see your risk of developing Alzheimer's years before symptoms show up.  

The Alzheimer's Association says more than five million people in America have Alzheimer's. That number is projected to hit 14 million by 2050.

A doctor in Los Angeles helped create a blood test. One woman's test showed her brain doesn't regenerate quickly enough so the doctor has her on a plant-based diet and a brain supplement.

He says customized diets are 80 percent of the changes needed.

"They want to know what's happening between the outside and the inside that could potentially put them at risk for this. This is what the test is perfect for right now," said Dr. Elroy Vojdani, Functional Medicine Physician.

He says the test is most useful if you're in your mid 40s. Right now you can only get it done through a lab called Cyrex in Arizona. Your doctor can order the test which costs about $500 and gives results in three weeks or less.

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