Man wanted for sex trafficking arrested after barricading himself inside Williamsburg motel

Weeklong manhunt for Evan Anthony Cole came to an end Thursday

WILLIAMSBURG, Va. – A man wanted on charges of sex trafficking in Virginia is in jail after a weeklong manhunt.

The search came to an end Thursday afternoon when Evan Anthony Cole surrendered to police after barricading himself in a Williamsburg motel room.

Williamsburg police say Cole allegedly tried to force two victims into prostitution last week.

He barricaded himself inside the Travelodge Inn and Suites in Williamsburg and eventually surrendered to police without incident.

He now faces a handful of charges.

Police were initially called after motel maintenance workers heard noises coming from a supposedly vacant room.

When they entered the room, Cole pointed a gun at them and told them to get on the ground.

Cole then barricaded himself in another vacant room at the motel.

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