Home repair business adopts contact-free model due to COVID-19

ROANOKE, Va. – Businesses are all finding their own ways to limit social contact due to coronavirus concerns. For one home repair business, that means not meeting with customers at all in person.

JES Foundation Repair has switched to a contact-free model during the COVID-19 outbreak. Technicians inspect most homes without needing to step inside. After the inspection, the company then uses a combination of emails, phone calls and video chats to update customers.

“We’ve got to do what’s right by our customers and employees to keep them safe," said JES General Manager Terri Burgess. "It hasn’t been a huge thing, we’re just using the things we have in place and utilizing the virtual aspect of things.”

The company also sends contracts through email.

Burgess said employees now take extra steps in sanitizing home repair equipment.

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