LewisGale Medical Center breaks record for babies birthed in 2021

From Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2021, a whopping 1,181 babies were delivered at LewisGale

The 1,000th baby delivered at LewisGale Medical Center in 2021 (LewisGale Medical Center)

SALEM, Va. – For the first time in 26 years, LewisGale Medical Center broke the record for the number of babies delivered at the hospital in a single year.

LewisGale announced it broke its previous record of 1,075 babies in 1955 to a whopping 1,181 babies delivered in 2021. That’s a total of 106 more babies, and it’s the highest number in the hospital’s 112-year history.

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“Just as every baby is unique, so is every delivery,” said Lisa Wade maternal care services director. “We provide a customized birthing experience that begins long before the first contraction and continues well after delivery.”

This record comes as LewisGale announced the hospital was just given the green light to build a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) after a 12-year application process in December.

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