
VDOE moves forward with controversial history, social science standards of learning

There will be a public hearing on standards of learning in March

A controversial lesson plan could be coming to Virginia classrooms.

On Thursday, the Virginia Department of Education moved forward a new History and Social Science Standards of Learning.

The revision of SOL is required to take place every seven years.

During the meeting, many teachers and parents spoke out against the proposed SOL, claiming it suppresses the history of people of color.

“This new massive resistance, fight against students learning about African American history indigenous history, all the other history, AAPI history,” said one parent. “It should be on equal footing with European history.”

“Why is it only white men we learn about in the revolutionary war,” said another parent.

Thursday’s meeting also comes on the heels of a multi-million dollar budget mistake made by the state that is leaving public schools across the Commonwealth without hundreds of thousands of dollars in state funding.

“We urgently ask the state superintendent and this board of education to work with the governor and the General Assembly to correct the errors impact on our students and school to provide hold harmless funds due to the historic state surplus,” said one educator.

Not only is the content in this proposed SOL plan concerning for some, many said the amount of new standards that would need to be taught is also a red flag.

“These standards will negatively impact instruction,” said one parent. “The number of facts my elementary school children are required to learn is simply unrealistic.”

Educators also cited the cost to change curriculums this drastic is concerning.

This is only the first review draft that was approved on Thursday and is not the final product.

Next, there will be a public hearing on standards of learning in March, where the board will receive more public input and can make changes.

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