
Approval granted to build pedestrian bridge near McAfee Knob trailhead

ROANOKE COUNTY, Va. – The pedestrian bridge at McAfee Knob trailhead is one step closer to breaking ground.

VDOT Spokesperson Jason Bond says they just got approval to hire contractors.

The new pedestrian bridge over Route 311 in Roanoke County will increase safety near the McAfee Knob trailhead.

The Commonwealth Transportation Board passed a resolution allowing VDOT to enter into an agreement with the National Park Service to build the bridge.

VDOT plans to advertise for construction bids later this summer.

“There is a lot of foot traffic there and this will definitely improve safety for pedestrians and people accessing the trail,” Bond said.

The goal is to complete the bridge by the end of next year. After that, maintenance will fall on the National Park Service.

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