Lynchburg veterans hope to bring three new tributes to Monument Terrace

LYNCHBURG, Va. – Veterans in Lynchburg are hoping to bring in new additions to Monument Terrace to recognize both the Gulf War and the Global War on Terror.

In the Hill City, a brotherhood of veterans gathers every Friday at noon in front of Monument Terrace, to show support for troops. Now, there may be new tributes for these heroes.

“Thousands of people who are going to be standing right over there day in, day out, decades from now, centuries from now. As long as the Monument Terrace exists, these memorials will exist,” Steve Bozeman, vice president of the Lynchburg Area Veterans Council said.

The future of one of Lynchburg’s most cherished landmarks is underway as veterans are hoping to bring in three new additions to recognize America’s most recent conflicts.

“The Gulf War and the Global War on Terror has not been recognized yet on the terrace so it recognizes those conflicts,” Tom Martin, director of community development for the City of Lynchburg said.

The additions would be a soldier’s battlefield cross statue, a memorial plaque, and a Purple Heart memorial bench. All to symbolize the sacrifice made by many for our freedoms.

“You see I can get emotional, and you look around here and you see all these vets, they will raise their right hand and I’m just happy,” Bozeman said.

I asked an Iraq veteran what it would mean to see the wars he fought in symbolized at Monument Terrace and he said, “It would make all that this is even more personal I moved to Lynchburg because of Monument Terrace and what it made me feel like when I got here, its hallowed ground and as long as I’m alive I will continue to celebrate it,” Nathanial Cuellar said.

The idea for the bronze soldier’s cross came from WWII Army vet, John Burch, who had the vision to make it a permanent symbol, he was the first to donate $1,000 for the sculpture.

“We tricked him into coming down one Friday to give him his challenge coin and he saw the soldiers and he said that hit home,” David Stokes, co-owner of Support the Troops Rally said.

The three tributes were paid for by various veteran’s organizations in Lynchburg, at no expense to the city. The veterans will go before City Council on Feb. 27 to try to secure approval for these new additions.

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