Patrick Henry’s Breedlove, Gilreath make college decisions

ROANOKE, Va. – Patrick Henry held its first of what it hopes will be many signing days for the class of 2023 on Thursday. It was all about the ladies as Trinity Breedlove and Caroline Gilreath made their respective decisions official in front of friends, family and classmates.

One of the top golfers in our area, Caroline Gilreath, will be taking her talents down I-81 to Radford University. She’s believed to be the first Patrick Henry student-athlete to receive a Division I golf scholarship in at least the last 15 years. She finished third in the Valley Junior Girls tournament that was held at Hunting Hills Country Club.

“It’s been a dream of mine since I can remember,” Gilreath said. “I started with The First Tee and we set goals when we were little and that was one of my goals to play division one golf and I’m so glad to have been able to set it.”

Trinity Breedlove has grown into being quite the force on the Patrick Henry girls basketball team. During her first three varsity seasons, Breedlove has earned All-District, All-Region and even All-State honors. She’s looking forward to her senior season starting in the weeks to come before she heads to Wingate University.

“It means a lot like all the hard work I put in and going into the season and being able to have a, you know a signing, it’s just a lot of weight lifted off my shoulders,” Breedlove said.

About the Authors

Eric is no stranger to the Roanoke Valley. He is a Roanoke native and proud graduate of William Fleming High School.

John serves as the Sports Director at WSLS 10. From Virginia Tech, to NASCAR and everything in between, WSLS 10 Sports covers the names making big plays in the NBA, NFL, NHL and MLB.

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