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Stuck in a pattern of breezy, cloudy days

Weather is very similar Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

ROANOKE, Va. – From Monday through Wednesday be prepared for cloudy skies, isolated showers, breezy afternoons, and below average temperatures.

Winds are slightly lighter after sunset

Winds are the most noticeable feature of the day. High wind gusts began before sunrise and last through the day. Most winds are around 20 mph with gusts to 30 mph.

Wind speeds drop slightly after sunset, but there is still enough to cause wind chill.

Showers are light but widespread in the early afternoon

The clouds carry enough moisture for some showers in the late morning through mid-afternoon. Rain totals are very light, but going for a walk is not much of an option until later in the evening.

Clouds limit temperatures to the 50s for most of the afternoon

The cloudy skies limit how much sunshine we get and therefore keep temperatures low. We stay below average until late in the week.

Lows in the 40s with this much wind mean wind chills in the 30s

Lows fall into the 40s making the next mornings cooler than we were over the weekend. The breeze is strong enough to drop wind chills into the 30s for some.

Wind gusts are slightly higher in the next few days

Winds stay high through Wednesday. Speeds are slightly higher after Monday, but not so high that you will notice the difference.

Light showers are more common this week than dry days

More days have rain this week than stay dry. Friday brings some extra showers our way with a few Saturday as well. Major fronts stay to our south making storms unlikely.