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Nominate someone with a unique story or passion for the Deep Blue Ridge

Your nominees will have the chance to be featured both on-air and online!

(WSLS 10)

Do you know someone with a unique story or passion in our region? Here’s your chance to nominate them for the Deep Blue Ridge!

In each episode, Virginia Today Anchor Japhanie Gray shares the story of someone in Virginia’s Blue Ridge that’ll make you smile, laugh, cry, and everything in between.

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From quirky hobbies to a lifelong passion, the Deep Blue Ridge features people from all walks of life. The goal of the franchise is to showcase the authentic and heartwarming stories in our local communities.

If you’d like to catch up on all the awesome stories from so far, you can find them here.

Submit your nominations in the form below, and be sure to include your nominee’s story and/or what makes them unique.