Hurricane Florence could cost Pittsylvania County farmers millions of dollars

Rain from Florence could wipe out farmers' crops

PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY, Va. – Farmers in Pittsylvania County could lose millions of dollars as a result of Hurricane Florence.

They've only harvested about half of their tobacco.

They could also lose the tobacco they've already harvested if they lose power to their storage barns.

Corn for cattle feed could be lost, too.

That means farmers would have to ship corn in from out of state, which would be very expensive.

"A lot of people are comparing this one to the damage that (Hurricane) Fran caused in '96. So we'll see what its ultimate impact is," Pittsylvania County extension agent Stephen Barts said. "The impact of this storm has the potential to be devastating to most of the growers in the region."

Barts reminds farmers to report any farm damage to the extension office so that it can be reported to the state and considered for disaster relief funding.

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