Giles Co. WWII vet, last surviving Maybrook Men brother, dies at age 97

John Atkins died the day before his 98th birthday

World War II veteran John Atkins of Christiansburg died at the age of 97. John was the last surviving brother of the “Maybrook Men,” which consists of six brothers who fought for America during war time. The name comes from the small neighborhood in Giles County in which they were born and raised.

John and four of his brothers served in World War II at the same time. John was the second to be drafted, after his brother, June Atkins, in 1942. John’s sixth and youngest brother, Billy R. Atkins, served in the Korean War. You can watch our coverage of their family here.

John Atkins, last surviving Maybrook Men brother dies at the age of 97. (WSLS)

The family told 10 News John died Saturday, March 11, just a day before his 98th birthday. June Atkins passed away in May, 2022.

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