Local first responders put down guns, hoses for annual softball game

Lynchburg police, firefighters play in 11th annual 'Guns and Hoses' game

LYNCHBURG, Va. – First responders in Lynchburg are looking to swing a fast one and it's all for bragging rights. 

On Monday, after the Hill City Cats game, firefighters and police officers put down their hoses and guns, and picked up bats  and gloves instead for their 11th annual "Guns and Hoses" softball game. 

Organizers say it's a friendly rivalry, but it's also about showing the community they're human too. 

"Oftentimes when people have interactions with the police it's just the uniform and there's people underneath the uniforms. We like to have fun just like everybody else. Like I said, just a time for us to get together and have that spirit fellowship," said Sgt. Brian Smith, with Lynchburg police. 

Police officers and firefighters will play each other again in basketball later this year. 

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