Previewing the eclipse in Roanoke

Nearly total coverage of the sun for most of our region

ROANOKE, Va. – If you’re gearing up to see the eclipse on Monday, it’s a good idea to know just when to see it. The mid-afternoon is the peak of the eclipse for our part of the country.

The moon crosses in front of the sun just before 2:00 PM

The eclipse begins at about 2:00 PM with increasing darkness through the next hour. By 3:15 the moon covers the sun by nearly 90%.

The sun is almost 90% covered at 3:15 PM

We still have lingering effects from the eclipse for the following hour and fifteen minutes. The eclipse finally ends here at 4:30 PM with a few hours of sunlight left. Sunset is at 7:49 on Monday.

Some of the moon is still in front after 4:00 PM

About the Author

Marshall Downing presents the weather Saturday and Sunday evenings at 6:00 PM and 11:00 PM, and you can see him during the week at 12:00 PM and 5:30 PM.

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