Blacksburg paramedic helping with hurricane relief in St. Martin

Patrick Jones is assisting after Hurricane Irma leveled St. Martin.

BLACKSBURG, Va. – Virginians are once again helping with hurricane relief in the Caribbean.

Patrick Jones, a paramedic for the Blacksburg Volunteer Rescue Squad, is in St. Martin assisting with the aftermath of Irma and is now helping people prepare for Maria.

After dropping off aid and supplies in Virgin Gorda and Anguilla, he moved to St. Martin to clear debris and help with repairs.

Jones says he has vacationed in the area since he was a child and felt compelled to help out.

"Entire buildings and entire blocks are just completely flattened. Houses and restaurants were completely swallowed away," said Jones.

Jones has been in the Caribbean since Saturday. He is planning on returning later this week.

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