YouDay: Weeds
Read full article: YouDay: WeedsWhose thoughts are planted in your mind? I ask this question because so many of the thoughts I found myself dwelling on were thoughts I adopted not thoughts I formed. I allowed the minds of others to become my mind. I stopped thinking for myself and limited my own creativity. This has happened to the best of us. We lose ourselves while getting caught up in the minds of others.
YouDay: Perish
Read full article: YouDay: PerishThere’s a spiritual proverb that says “where there in no vision the people perish”. This has always struck at the core of my life. There are so many people in our communities who live life without a vision for their lives. With no vision your life will go wherever it desires.
YouDay: Abandoned
Read full article: YouDay: AbandonedEvery day I would drive by this particular abandoned house. One day I stopped and pulled into the driveway. It was clearly a beautiful house but it lost its luster over time. I walked and sat on the stairs. As I sat on the stairs of this abandoned house I reflected on my own life. What have I abandoned? All the times I took life for granted and gave the less of me more than the best of me. Am I alone?
YouDay: Have In Common
Read full article: YouDay: Have In CommonOur personal stories are more than just the life experiences we live but the glue the holds are communities together. It is only when we all come together to share our stories that we realize we are not as different as the world attempts to make us.
YouDay: Faith
Read full article: YouDay: FaithWhen we hear the word faith we immediately think of a religious experience, but faith is greater than a religious experience. Faith is an internal law that unlocks the power to manifest and believe anything you desire in your life. Faith is the unseen internal mechanism that unlocks the unseen, granting it permission to transition to the seen realm. Anything you desire in life already exists. It is locked in the faith, is a living law found in your spirit and it’s the original law of attraction. Anything you desire in life will not manifest if faith is not included in its release. Faith unlocks the unseen, granting it permission to become visible in your life. Anything you desire in life already exists. If you are able to see it in your mind, it’s an indication that it is determined to come to pass. Faith is the method on how to bring the pictures of your mind into the manifestation of your eyes. When I say the word faith, you immediately think of religion don’t you? Let me first redefine faith. Faith is greater than any religious experience. It is a fruit of the spirit, the superpower within drawing to you the desires of your heart. Faith is the foundational element found in the law of attraction. Before religion ever existed, faith existed as an internal law enabling us to unlock the unseen desires of our hearts, manifesting them into visible accomplishments. What you desire in life already exists. If you are able to visualize it—that is a direct indication that it’s ready to be unlocked. So my question—with the measure of faith you’ve been given what is faith going to unlock for you? Your imagination and life are ready. Are you?
YouDay: None of your business
Read full article: YouDay: None of your businessWhat people think and say about you is none of your business. I’ll say that again. What people think and say about you is none of your business. Let them talk about you. Let them lie about you. Let them gossip about you. Let them misunderstand you. Whatever you do-do not allow them to mislead you.
YouDay: The Coin
Read full article: YouDay: The CoinIf life was a coin, you could only spend once, how has your spending gone? Have you invested your coin or wasted it? Too much of our lives are spent waiting for the right moments to knock on our door. And even when those right moments show up we question if they are true for us. Can you identify? The coin is about beginning life and spending your resources on what empowers you and makes you shine.
YouDay: The Wave
Read full article: YouDay: The WaveA little wave was bobbing along in the ocean. He was enjoying the wind and the fresh air as it traveled until he noticed that all the other waves in front of him were crashing against the shore. “Oh My God, this is terrible,” the wave thought. “Look what is happening to all the other waves, and I’ll have the same fate!” As fear set in, and in a state of panic, another wave came across and asked the little wave, “Why are you distressed?”The little wave said, “We are all going to crash against the shore and face our end! All of us waves are going to be nothing! Isn’t it terrible?”The second wave answered with a smile, “No, you don’t understand. You’re not just a wave. You are a part of the ocean.”
YouDay: Like the Huxtables
Read full article: YouDay: Like the HuxtablesI remember when I was in high school I would always say I wanted five kids: four girls and one boy. I lived in a household of a single parent. There were times my mother played the role of mom and dad. As sad as it was I had never seen a successful African American family. So for me, Thursday nights at 8 p.m. was my time to see Black families united. As I would watch “The Cosby Show,” I saw what I wanted to become. I saw a Black family, happy and united, and the picture was set for me. I wanted to be like the Huxtables.
YouDay: If You Speak It
Read full article: YouDay: If You Speak ItIn the beginning, there was one word that was released into the atmosphere. The word was “let.” It is a powerful word with a powerful dual meaning. The word means to grant permission to something and it also means to hinder something from happening. It means that you can grant something permission to happen and hinder anything that would prevent it from happening.
YouDay: Coat of Happiness
Read full article: YouDay: Coat of HappinessThere is a story of a king who was so miserable and unhappy that he called together all of his closest advisers to find a remedy to fix his problem. His problem was he wanted to find happiness but was unable to find it in the material things he owned. He had wealth, but no happiness. He owned land, but no happiness. He had love ones, yet he found no love for himself. They tried all sorts of methods to rouse the king out of his deep dark despair-but to no avail. Finally one of the advisors suggested that they search the kingdom for the happiest man -the thought was if the king could put on the man’s coat, the happiness would rub off on him and he would be happy too.
YouDay: Aha Moment
Read full article: YouDay: Aha MomentWe all have had Aha Moments. Have you ever had an aha moment? An aha moment is information revealed to you that you already knew you just didn’t know you knew it. It’s the answers you need living on the inside of you. An aha moment is when your spirit reminds you of what’s already there. Your spirit is leaping inside of you saying we know this.
YouDay: Cemetery
Read full article: YouDay: CemeterySo here’s a question for you. Where’s the wealthiest place in the world? Well, I can imagine some of your responses. But to get to the point, the wealthiest place in the world is the place that I’m standing right now, the cemetery. Well, you may ask Coach, why the cemetery? It’s simple. There were books here, which were never written. There were dreams never fulfilled cures to diseases never brought to fruition. And the reason you ask is because people did not believe that it was possible for them. Well, maybe right now you’re sitting there and you’re saying to yourself, Coach, is it even possible for me? Let me answer that question. It is, don’t just live your life to exist, live your life to conquer. The grave is already stolen much from so many people. Don’t let the grave steal from you.
YouDay: My Son
Read full article: YouDay: My SonI was walking onto the set of a live talk show I was a co-host on. I received a call from my wife that the doctor wanted us to report to her office with our 19-year-old son Kameron, immediately. I told my Executive Producer I had to leave and I left. Arriving at the doctor’s office you could imagine the thoughts that were flying through my head. What was the issue? Why are we here? What is wrong with my son?
YouDay: New Day
Read full article: YouDay: New DayEvery morning when I open my eyes I have made it a ritual to give thanks to God for allowing me to see another day. I thank God for my family, friends, colleagues, and everyone who is involved in any aspect of my life. Next, I prepare my day by giving myself permission to experience a new day. By doing this I allow myself to experience the newness of a new day and all it has to offer. This is important because I release today from the bondage and weight of yesterday. This is key because so many of us treat a new day like the day before because it’s easy to repeat the pattern of a day we once experienced than to walk through the unknowns of a new day.
YouDay: Microwave
Read full article: YouDay: MicrowaveI’ve always been an impatient person. There was actually a time in my life when my impatient meter was off the charts. I remember when I wanted something, I wanted it, and I went after it relentlessly. This approach was also damaging because if I didn’t get what I wanted I grew sour, pouty, and cold. As you can imagine I probably wasn’t the best person to be around if I didn’t get my way. Today, honestly I can say that this is not the person I am anymore.
YouDay: Faith
Read full article: YouDay: FaithWhen we hear the word faith we immediately think of a religious experience. But faith is greater than a religious experience. Faith is an internal law that unlocks the power to manifest and believe anything you desire in your life. Faith is the unseen internal mechanism that unlocks the unseen granting it permission to transition to the seen realm. Anything you desire in life already exists. It is locked in the faith is a living law found in your spirit and it’s the original law of attraction. Anything you desire in life will not manifest if faith is not included in its release. For without
YouDay: Rose
Read full article: YouDay: RoseI was always curious. Did the rose need the thorns or did the thorns need the rose? It is obvious that they both needed each other. We once had a rose bush in our front yard. I was walking from the car one day and was inspired to pick a few roses from the bush to give to my wife. Well, it was an experience I would never forget and I have the scar to prove it! You guessed it...the thorn wasn’t having it. The thorn rose to the occasion (pun intended) to defend the honor of the rose. Annnndddd you guessed it...I got a revelation!!!
YouDay: Foxes
Read full article: YouDay: FoxesThere was a young man who worked daily in his garden in hopes to nurture the ground effectively and bring forth much fruit. He did everything he learned from his neighbor who was an experienced Gardner. He prepped the soil accordingly, planted the best seed and made sure it had much sunlight and water. He waited patiently for the fruit to grow and soon he began to see the fruit of his labor.
YouDay: The Exchange
Read full article: YouDay: The ExchangeHonest and fair dealing is the best policy. We’ve always heard that right? But why is it easy for some and hard for others? It reminds me of a story about a boy and a girl who made an exchange of goods. The boy had a collection of marbles while the girl had candies, which were the boys favorite. The boy offered to give the girl all his marbles in exchange for all her candies. The girl agreed. The boy gave all the marbles to the girl but secretly kept the best marble for himself. The girl gave him all her candies as promised. That night, the boy couldn’t sleep as he kept wondering if the girl had held on to some of her best candies. If you have wronged someone reach out and make it right. Life is too short to allow a small thing to become a big thing.
YouDay: The Poisoned Mind
Read full article: YouDay: The Poisoned MindScientists and Neurologists have proven that every thought we think releases a chemical that flows through our body. Imagine that for a moment. Every thought has a chemical associated with it that invades our bodies and causes us to feel the thoughts we are thinking. These chemicals enable our bodies to bring to life the thoughts we are experiencing. Have you ever had a positive or negative thought and could actually feel it? You can feel excitement, happiness, anger, or fear based on the thought you hold on to.